We are a non-profit organization made up of professional electricians and instruments  in the management, planning, supervisory, inspection, design, construction, commissioning, QA/QC, maintenance, protection and testing areas; with the goal of offering our talent worldwide as cohesive groups to companies that require professionals with high commitments to the values ​​of responsibility and ethics.

 By virtue of the experience of the members of this exclusive group, we have ensured the execution of works with satisfactory quality standards for our clients. The accumulated experience is thanks to the work carried out in companies of different branches such as Oil and Petrochemical, Wind Farms, Pharmaceutical, Thermoelectric, Hydroelectric and oil platforms. CCM members have had the opportunity to be hired by transnationals such as MMR, Técnicas Reunidas, Servicios Panam, Smeca N V, Krupp Robbins, Quality Services Ltd. for projects in countries such as the Bahamas, Ecuador, Jamaica, Israel, Aruba, Panama, Curaçao and Venezuela. We are pleasantly open for any questions through our official contacts

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